> How to master the art of creative journaling to help you de-stress and unwind in as little as 15 minutes
> The simple way to add mindfulness to the mix - it works like magic!
> Watch over my shoulder as I create and show you 5 simple steps to create your first mindful journal page
> You’ll discover the really easy ways you can de-stress & unwind with art-making and journaling- even if you don’t know your acrylic from your watercolour!
> How to quickly recognise and avoid 3 journaling misconceptions and mistakes
> Why it’s NOT your fault if you’ve struggled to find solace and healing in your journaling before and a bonus lesson to give you all the kickstart you need
this free course is on-demand: Once you sign up you will receive an email straight away with details on how to access the classroom - you can join and learn at any time, at your own pace, over and over again!
“When I discovered creative journaling I felt drawn to it. It is a mix between art-making and journaling - two activities that I am fond of but didn’t quite consider doing a combo before my discovery. I love how this course has reignited my passion for it and how it makes it seem easy, fun and doable. Thank you for your encouraging approach!”
Hi, I’m Claire, an art teacher and mental health support worker turned online course creator. With an art degree, teaching qualification and a huge passion for supporting others, I’ve spent 10 years teaching in the UK, South America, South East Asia, Australia and now 100% globally in the online space.
In a short time, this class has helped over 250 people kickstart their creative journey towards healing themselves from anxiety, stress and general overwhelm. Your place in the classroom is waiting for you right now - see you there!
“I’ve been deep diving into the world of art journaling and have been learning from many different people. But I must say it is your tutorial and style that I really resonate with. Thank you for helping me finally pull the paint to the pages”
“Claire has a gift for explaining artistic pursuits in a gentle and applicable way, free of judgment and lofty goals. Her teaching goes straight to the marrow of your heart bringing out the artist in you that you knew was there, but needed some encouragement”
“Claire is the best! She connects things for you on a personal level. The community she creates feels supportive and encouraging. Her courses teach not only technique but how to use it in your self-care. But more than the technique, she convinces you that you deserve self-care”