If a lack of inspiration, the blank page or creative block is holding you back, try using prompts.


Confession: I used to hate prompts. I avoided them, scoffed at them, and probably internally judged others for using them at some point… #PromptSnob but that was before I learned to use them effectively.

I always felt that a prompt would take away my own creativity, put ideas into my head rather than allowing my mind to generate its own, I didn’t want to be told what to do or how to create and didn’t want that freedom taken away from me, so I resisted them at all costs.

I’ve since learned that phrased in a particular way and with a focus on ideas and extracting our own thoughts, rather than technique, a good prompt can magnify our artistic expression - it doesn’t have to suffocate it.

what are journaling prompts


Prompts inspire creativity in a completely different way than an intimidating blank piece of paper by offering a starting point and a spark.

Prompts are perfect for beginners and long time creatives as they:

  • are a jumping-off point for creating and writing when your mind is blank

  • support you in diving deeper, adding more layers, purpose, meaning and healing to your art journaling

  • give you the opportunity to explore new techniques

  • are a useful tool to break creative block

In my free class I share a prompt along with some process instructions for students to complete a mindful journal page - although the starting point is the same for everyone, the end results are so different and unique.

what are journaling prompts

Prompts can be used in many ways and can be interpreted by many people very differently. (That is the magic of creative journaling, we all see and experience the world so differently and expressing our own view in this visual way often inspires others.)

what are journaling prompts


The main thing to keep in mind is that prompts are not rules. They are not rigid. They are a starting point, a spark of inspiration for you to run with.

After you've been playing around with the idea of prompts for a while your mind will naturally begin to push the boundaries of them, start thinking a little less literally and begin to interpret the prompt in your own, relate it to your own life experiences and the things you want to say more and more.

When particularly inspired by a prompt I like to grab a notebook or on a page of my journal jot down every single thought and idea that comes to me. I will dip in and out of that list of ideas as I create. So often I have so many ideas that I can't remember them all.

Get creative with your prompts - try combing a prompt with something else that inspires you: a poem, an image, an affirmation card etc.

Once you feel that spark inside of you, that urge to respond in a particular way and explore in your journal you will know, you will feel it, listen and go with the flow.

Follow your own lead and enjoy the journey the prompt takes you on. Take what you want from a prompt, leave what you don’t.

what are journaling prompts

Sometimes a prompt need only be a couple of words to get your creative juices flowing. I recommend starting a little prompt library or notebook of your own when you find ones that resonate.

You can find lots of journaling prompts in our guided journals here >

This is a short excerpt from the free class, if you’d like to learn more about using prompts for creative journaling, sign up for instant access below.


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